[one_half last=”no” text_align=”text-align-left”]
[service icon=”fa fa-cog strategy” title=”Strategy” position=”left” fx_effect=”fade-from-left”]
- Strategic Positioning
- Balanced Performance Measures
- Create alignment: An organisational structure that supports your strategy
[service icon=”fa fa-apple survey” title=”Survey and Assessment Solutions” position=”left” fx_effect=”fade-from-left”]
- Surveys
- Skills and Behaviour Reviews
- 360 Review of Skills and Capacity
- 360 Behavioural Review
- Monthly Pulse Checks
- Self Management Reviews
- Reflect and Grow (Self management with values)
- Career Surveys
- Leadership Reviews
- Leadership Influence and Impact
- Organisational Development Reviews
- Team Effectiveness Reviews
- Culture and Climate Reviews
- Engagement Reviews
- Internal Customer Service Reviews
- Talent Retention and exit interview surveys
- Psychometric Assessments
- Cognitive capability (CPP, LPCAT, Verbal-, numerical and abstract reasoning)
- Personality (OPQ, WSQ)
[service icon=”fa fa-user people” title=”People Performance, growth and retention” position=”left” fx_effect=”fade-from-left”]
- Role clarity: Define roles that support your structure
- Managing People and Performance
- Performance agreements and target setting
- Performance Reviews and discussions
- Performance Reviews
- Probation Reviews
- Personal Development and Career Plans
- Continuous growth and development
- Focus on Key Roles – i-Exceed
- Company WIDE focus – Exceed-W
- Development Programs – Exceed Curriculum
[one_half last=”yes” text_align=”text-align-left”]
[service icon=”fa fa-desktop talent” title=”Talent Management” position=”left” fx_effect=”fade-from-right”]
- Identify and manage performance and potential
- Talent Grid (9-box) with various lenses
- Quarterly Talent Reviews
- Succession planning and continuity for key positions
- Identify key positions and succession requirements
- Determine readiness for next position/level of identified candidates
- Additional Development Assessments (Psychometrics) with personal development plans
- Monitor Depth of Talent Pipeline
[service icon=”fa fa-camera business” title=”Peformax Software: Business Management Solutions” position=”left” fx_effect=”fade-from-right”]
- Central Repository of all your data: Data warehouse
- Collecting data from a range of sources:
- Peformax Modules or Surveys
- 3rd party APIs (finance, marketing, sales, etc)
- Excel, CSV, XML through Peformax Import Tool
- Relevant reporting to various usergroups
- Deploy business reporting to a platform relevant to your audience
- Online: Performance dashboards
- Printed format: PDF and Excel
- Mobile: Phone, Tablet
[service icon=”fa fa-play-circle-o peformax” title=”Peformax Software: People Management Solutions” position=”left” fx_effect=”fade-from-right”]
- Goal setting and performance management
- Development Management
- Multi-source (360) reviews
- Competencies
- Values / Behaviours
- Personal development plans
- Talent management
- Career management
- Exit interviews